Friday, February 24, 2012

Do you shop at Once Upon a Child?

I love hitting our local consignment sales to do the majority of Oliver's clothing shopping.  We sometimes have to fill in the gaps with stops at Once Upon a Child.  Oliver's crazy mom did not think about him needing a larger size to finish the winter.  And consequently he had outgrown all his clothing in length.  So yesterday after his Dr. appointment we went on a small shopping spree.  --I was not planning on going if we got news he had something contagious but his Dr. diagnosed him with Roseola which is a viral infection that causes a few days of fever followed by a rash.  I'm glad we went in because they wanted to do a strep test just to rule it out and thankfully it was negative.  His ears also looked good which is another blessing--

Back to our shopping spree.  I was really enjoying my time out of the house.  My car has been out of commission for quite a while now and it is so hard to be stuck at home all week long.  Kurt came home early so I could take Oliver to his appointment and it worked out for both of us.  Kurt got some time alone at home to blare his music and watch whatever he wanted, and I got some time out in the real world, which I really needed.  I discovered that Oliver is in his hardest size to find, yet.  I had to search through all the 12 month section as well as the 18 month section because 12-18 month clothes were found in both!  Oliver was content in his stroller with awesome toy that attaches to anything (stroller, carseat, highchair, bouncy seat, etc) that Kurt's mom got for him.  We were good to go!  Here's what I found- all for $57, I think that's pretty good.

T shirts- 2 new with tags (bought short sleeved so they're good for spring)

3 pairs of pants, I love the skinny leg jeans on the Right

Old Navy, Chaps, and Zutano rompers.  Love the funky colors of Zutano clothing!

Pull over hoodie

Funky Baby Gap set.  I love the linen pants! couldn't pass it up! 

So we got 6 stamps on our Once Upon a Child card and headed out to the car.  Loaded up our goods and turned right back around and walked down the side walk to Platos Closet.  Do you ever shop there?  I really don't.  I think I've been there once before yesterday.  They had so many clothes and I was on a time crunch so I checked out the dresses and the tank tops.  Here's what I got.  Mommy deserves a treat too, right?  :)  Especially since she's lost another 5 pounds! 10 pounds from pre- pregnancy weight!

The shirt is Gap and the dress was new with tags and is perfect for nursing!  Can't go wrong there!  Thanks for reading!


  1. I LOVE OUC! Any clothing item that D and I buy Darby comes from there with the exception of a few things. You really can't go wrong. D and I have walked out of there with 26 items for $100 before! I usually end up going clothes crazy in there and want to buy her every cute thing I see. That place is a real blessing, considering the price for baby clothes is just about the same for adult clothes! You got really cute things and I especially love the Gap outfit. Great job, Mama!

  2. I love OUC too! El and I go there almost on a weekly basis since there are new things all the time. I love stocking up on all of her little shirts and pants and dresses. I even scored a great coat for her for this past winter for under $10! I also go to Plato's Closet a lot as well (ours are next door to each other like yours seem to be.) I get a lot of dresses and jeans there since I'm still working on losing the weight from pregnancy and they are great to fill my closet for less. I love reading your blog!
