Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bye Bye, Sugar!

Guess what?  We're making some changes around here.  What kind of changes you ask?  Well, we're saying "Bye BYE!" to carbs and sugar!  No more bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, sugar, artificial flavoring/colors, and dyes.  I really thought we ate pretty good, healthy meals because I was making so much of our things from scratch.  Well a friend turned me on the the movie "Fathead".  Have you seen it?  It's free on Hulu, so go watch it.  It changed my mind on food and got me moving in the right direction.  Kurt is excited.  He's ready for bacon and steaks.  I'm ready to lose my baby weight and to feel better about myself.  So, we're doing it.  We're diving in to make a change and are pretty excited about it!

I'm going to keep a food journal so I can look back at what we ate over this first month.  We are trying tons of new recipes that we are excited about.  Today we ate romaine lettuce wraps with cream cheese and chicken inside.  They were good!  And satisfying!  I will share the recipes we enjoy.  We shopped at Aldi's yesterday, and found some pretty awesome things so we'll be going back.  I think the biggest struggle will be our morning coffee.  Full fat half and half is a GO but SUGAR is a NO- GO.  So we are trying Stevia in the Raw right now and it will take some getting used to.  It's kinda funky.  :)

I'm excited to be healthier and hopefully thinner.  I'm excited to get my family more healthy and to cut out the junk that has crept in.  I want my children to be healthy and strong!  And Julianne will be eating solids soon too so it's a great time to start this new lifestyle.

We've also organized some major things in our life this past week.  The coat closet was horrific and it's now accessible without cursing, the desk in our kitchen had become a catch all for mail (that never got opened), and all kinds of junk, receipts and coupons, and, and, and.  We cleared that out along with our "junk drawer".  Those small things feel so good to get under control, don't they!!??  The biggest thing we got ahold of this past week was our finances.  We had really taken a break from tracking our purchases which is just awful.  We got it all figured out and are excited to keep track again-- one week at a time!!

So August is a new month and we've got big plans for it!  Pretty exciting things around here! :)  What do you have going on?



  1. yay! so awesome! we did this a few months ago and it was awesome! the first few weeks were difficult- there is def a withdrawal period but after that I had so much more energy, slept better at night, and just felt so much better all around! I was nervous about not having sugar in my coffee too- but now I love my coffee with just some creamer! we've gotten a little off track with all our traveling, but are looking to be back this week! We'll have to share some recipes!

    1. Ashley! I'm glad to hear you're on it and it's working! I've definitely had some nay-sayers but I think this is a good, healthy diet. I'm excited about it. As far as coffee goes, today I tried 1 tsp of honey and I really enjoyed my coffee. So that's good!! I definitely want to share recipes with you! :)

    2. I read some really great books talking about how sugar is so harmful to our bodies and instantly turns into fat. Sarah Wilson's "i quit sugar' was a great read and she has a cookbook with really amazing recipes- even for those nights you just need something 'sweet.' also, i try to keep our diets to the dr furhman food pyramid, with exception to meats. i am a firm believer that meats are important to our bodies as well. he has a book called 'eat to live' that i've heard is really good, but I haven't read it myself. And yay! I'm so glad you liked honey in your coffee! so much better than white sugar! and i've found emmie eats so many more veggies since we don't have the typical toddler snacks around the house!

  2. We have been trying to make similar changes. It can be hard, but once you do it and feel so much better, it's worth it. I've found that truvia has a slightly better flavor than stevia, especially in my coffee. Also, I don't know if you've heard of Trim Healthy Mama, but it's an eating plan written by 2 Christian ladies and has some amazing recipes. I have lost 22 lbs on it so far and have only been doing it since May. (I gained a ton of weight in my pregnancy, so still have a ways to go). Anyway, check it out if you're looking for a bit more guidance, and God bless your journey to health! :)

    1. Wow, Sam! That's so great! I have a lot to lose from baby weight too. Like 30 pounds at least. My first goal is 10 pounds though! Baby steps and I'm confident it will happen! Do you count carbs?
